[dns-operations] Map of open DNS resolvers

Duane Wessels wessels at packet-pushers.com
Fri Sep 28 15:51:57 UTC 2007

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, James Raftery said:

> On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 03:06:57PM -0700, Gregory Hicks wrote:
>> Who is that one that has 256 open resolvers on one /24?  (In the
>> "Various Registries" portion in the bottom center of the graph...)
> That's much bigger than a single pixel so it's more than a /24.

Right.  The one he's talking about is actually a /16.

I wouldn't be too surprised if that org actually had some kind of
DNS interception/redirection in place so that every one of their
addresses appears to be an open resolver.

Duane W.

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