[dns-operations] Map of open DNS resolvers

Gregory Hicks ghicks at cadence.com
Thu Sep 27 22:06:57 UTC 2007

> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 14:47:28 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Duane Wessels <wessels at packet-pushers.com>
> To: dns-operations at mail.oarc.isc.org
> Subject: [dns-operations] Map of open DNS resolvers
> As some of you know from the last OARC members-only meeting, John
> Kristoff surveyed the entire IPv4 address space earlier this year
> looking for open resolvers.  With his permission I made a map of
> his data to show where they are located:
> http://maps.measurement-factory.com/gallery/Openresolvers/


Who is that one that has 256 open resolvers on one /24?  (In the
"Various Registries" portion in the bottom center of the graph...)

Just curious.

Gregory Hicks

Gregory Hicks                        | Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems               | Direct:   408.576.3609
555 River Oaks Pkwy M/S 6B1
San Jose, CA 95134

I am perfectly capable of learning from my mistakes.  I will surely
learn a great deal today.

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