[dns-operations] friday version of dnscap

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Mon May 14 00:08:46 UTC 2007

On 11-May-2007, at 10:37, Bill Owens wrote:

> On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 01:49:42PM +0000, Paul Vixie wrote:
>>> In more general terms, I fear that the BIND 9 dependency prevents
>>> widespread use of this tool.
>> should i contribute it to the bind9 kit so that it builds  
>> automagically
>> like DiG, and tell people, if they want this tool, it's part of  
>> bind9 now?
> It strikes me that anyone serious enough about DNS to be using  
> dnscap will already have built their own copy of BIND, so having it  
> as part of the kit would be the most convenient arrangement. Is  
> there really a 'market' for dnscap amongst folks who don't run  
> nameservers?

To answer a different question, there are certainly people who run  
nameservers (even quite high-profile nameservers) who don't (only)  
use BIND.


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