[dns-operations] Delegation to IPs?

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at isc.org
Tue Mar 13 21:47:30 UTC 2007

> At 14:12 +0100 3/13/07, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> >OK for IPv4 addresses but IPv6 addresses are not legal host names :-)
> Host name, no, but anything shorter than 256 "chars" is a legal domain name.
> It is like putting your checkbook in the silverware drawer.  It can 
> go there but you'll probably forget that's where it is.  And no one 
> else in the family will think to look there.

	Note: BIND 9.4 checks for the use of addresses in NS and MX

9.4.x % bin/check/named-checkzone -k fail -m fail -n fail example example.db
example.db:2: NS record '' appears to be an address
example.db:3: NS record '::1' appears to be an address
dns_rdata_fromtext: example.db:3: near '::1': bad name (check-names)
example.db:4: NS record '' appears to be an address
example.db:5: NS record '::2.' appears to be an address
dns_rdata_fromtext: example.db:5: near '::2.': bad name (check-names)
dns_rdata_fromtext: example.db:6: near '': MX is an address
dns_rdata_fromtext: example.db:7: near '::1': MX is an address
dns_rdata_fromtext: example.db:8: near '': MX is an address
dns_rdata_fromtext: example.db:9: near '::2.': MX is an address
zone example/IN: loading from master file example.db failed: NS is an address
9.4.x % cat example.db
@ 0 IN SOA . . 0 0 0 0 0
@ 0 IN NS
@ 0 IN NS ::1
@ 0 IN NS
@ 0 IN NS ::2.
@ 0 IN MX 0
@ 0 IN MX 0 ::1
@ 0 IN MX 0
@ 0 IN MX 0 ::2.
9.4.x % 
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at isc.org

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