[dns-operations] DNS operations BOF at NANOG in Toronto?

Keith Mitchell keith at isc.org
Tue Jan 23 19:24:05 UTC 2007

A reminder to everyone that this BOF will be taking place week after
next at NANOG - ideas for topics and proposals for presentations still
very welcome.


Keith Mitchell wrote:
> I'm pleased to confirm that the NANOG Program Committee has approved the
> proposal from Joe and myself to hold a DNS Operations BOF at the next
> NANOG meeting in Toronto on 4-7th Feb (http://www.nanog.org).
> This is clearly a good opportunity not just for the DNS operations
> community to get together again, but also to bring issues we have to the
> attention of a wider/ISP audience.
> If you have material you'd like to present, or particular requests for
> agenda topics at this BOF, please let me know and I'll be happy to add
> these to the session.

>> Joe Abley wrote:

>>> Suggestions of short presentations that might be useful to seed
>>> BOF- like discussions would also be interesting to hear.
>>> I realise that a BOF can't hope to cover the same kind of ground as
>>>  (say) an OARC meeting, but since there will likely be DNS ops
>>> people in Toronto for the meeting anyway, it seems reasonable to
>>> explore whether it's worth sitting down in the same room in some
>>> kind of organised fashion.

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