[dns-operations] Karl Auerbach on adding 'millions' more TLD - what do folks think about the operational impact?

Peter Dambier peter at peter-dambier.de
Mon Jan 8 21:54:57 UTC 2007

Just for curiousity some of the zonefiles:

/* IntlNet */
# INTLNET.ROOT. IN TXT "20070107212340"
# SOA(".","20070107212340","A.INTLNET.ORG.","INTL.INTLNET.ORG.","1800","900","604800","86400").
# lines: 2337,  NS: 1426,  A: 832,  AAAA: 64

/* OpenNic */
# SOA(".","2007010801","ns0.opennic.glue.","hostmaster.opennic.glue.","1800","900","604800","86400").
# lines: 2475,  NS: 1532,  A: 932,  AAAA: 0

/* ICANN */
# SOA(".","2007010701","A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.","NSTLD.VERISIGN-GRS.COM.","1800","900","604800","86400").
# lines: 2480,  NS: 1450,  A: 935,  AAAA: 83

/* Cesidian Root */
# SOA(".","2007010801","a-root.maxmv.org.","hostmaster.maxmv.org.","86400","14400","2592000","86400").
# lines: 2651,  NS: 1527,  A: 1023,  AAAA: 90

/* namespace */
# SOA(".","2005041701","A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.","NSTLD.VERISIGN-GRS.COM.","1800","900","604800","86400").
# lines: 4899,  NS: 4044,  A: 803,  AAAA: 36

/* Public-Root */
# SOA(".","2007010700","a.public-root.net.","hostmaster.public-root.net.","43200","3600","1209600","14400").
# lines: 11768,  NS: 10533,  A: 1146,  AAAA: 78

/* FCFS-root */
# SOA(".","2007010401","ns1.publicroot.NET.","baptista.publicroot.org.","1800","900","604800","86400").
# lines: 51622,  NS: 25693,  A: 25704,  AAAA: 214

DNS was supposed to be a tree but it degenerated to a flatfile with practically
all domains in ".com" and the rest becomming more and more irrelevant :)

Roland Dobbins wrote:
> http://www.circleid.com/posts/internet_zombies/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Roland Dobbins <rdobbins at cisco.com> // 408.527.6376 voice
>                      Technology is legislation.
>                          -- Karl Schroeder
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Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Rimbacher-Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
mail: peter at peter-dambier.de
mail: peter at echnaton.serveftp.com

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