[dns-operations] Problem with some root name servers? (L and G)

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Wed Feb 7 17:08:35 UTC 2007

On 7-Feb-2007, at 11:45, Marc Sachs - SANS ISC wrote:

> Were any of the root operators able to capture packets during the  
> attacks?
> We'd like to compare some pcaps against malformed DNS queries we  
> saw last
> year to see if there is any similarity.

Dave Knight of ISC made a few preliminary remarks about the attack  
from the perspective of F an hour or two ago at NANOG in Toronto.  
Slides are here: <http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0702/presentations/ 

Dave mentioned that data had been captured for further analysis, and  
would be made available to OARC members.


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