[dns-operations] Reverse Lookup speedup

Michael Monnerie michael.monnerie at it-management.at
Thu Aug 2 07:18:40 UTC 2007

On Donnerstag, 2. August 2007 Larry wrote:
> dig -tAXFR @ in-addr.arpa

Nice, I didn't know that switch for dig. Thanks.

I've done this in /etc/named.conf:
zone "." in {
   type hint;
   file "root.zone";
zone "in-addr.arpa" in {
   type master;
   file "inaddr.zone";

Is that correct? I'm not sure, as there's the 2nd log line and I don't 
know what to do with that information. The first one is something that 
maybe should be fixed in the root.zone?

Aug  2 09:03:02 power4u.zmi.at named[15662]: root.zone:7: no TTL 
specified; using SOA MINTTL instead
Aug  2 09:03:02 power4u.zmi.at named[15662]: extra data in root 
hints 'root.zone'

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
// Tel: 0676/846 914 666                      .network.your.ideas.
// PGP Key:         "curl -s http://zmi.at/zmi.asc | gpg --import"
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