[dns-operations] Reverse Lookup speedup

Michael Monnerie michael.monnerie at it-management.at
Thu Aug 2 06:09:38 UTC 2007

I've very interestingly read the thread about NetBSDs new root slaving, 
and that some are pissed off by this, and grabbed the hint that loading 
the root zone from ftp.internic.net is also possible and I immediately 
did this for one heavy loaded DNS server.

As we primarily do mail servers, which tend to do a big amount of 
reverse lookup during spam checking, I was wondering if there's some 
similar way of loading (or slaving) a reverse lookup root zone. Sorry 
if this is stupid, I still do not understand how reverse lookups are 
done. Is that just the .in-addr.arpa zone that would need to be loaded, 
and if yes, where could I automatically get it from?

mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc    -----      http://it-management.at
// Tel: 0676/846 914 666                      .network.your.ideas.
// PGP Key:         "curl -s http://zmi.at/zmi.asc | gpg --import"
// Fingerprint: EA39 8918 EDFF 0A68 ACFB  11B7 BA2D 060F 1C6F E6B0
// Keyserver: www.keyserver.net                   Key-ID: 1C6FE6B0
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