[dns-operations] A Case Against DNSSEC (A Matasano Miniseries)

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Wed Apr 4 14:13:44 UTC 2007

On 3-Apr-2007, at 16:32, Rodney Joffe wrote:

> Matt, as I described in 2002, and since then repeatedly, scale  
> cannot solve this problem. The protocol doesn't allow this, and *no- 
> one* (proven by Akamai in 2004) has enough resources, systems and  
> bandwidth, to cope with the bandwidth saturation that UDP enables.  
> I'm happy to prove it again.

Before you attempt to do so, it would be good to have a clear problem  
statement. Between your use of the phrase "control plane" and  
subsequent elaboration (which, in contrast, seems entirely focussed  
on the data plane) I am left with no confidence that I understand  
what problem you are proposing needs a solution.


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