[dns-operations] Quick anycast primer

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Fri Jul 14 16:28:32 UTC 2006

At 12:03 PM -0400 7/14/06, John Payne wrote:

>As we're talking about a network service, the only topology that
>makes sense is the IP network topology, which has only a small
>correlation to the physical paths of the fibers and cables.

Thanks to port-level filtering, load balancing, and other load 
management techniques, the IP network topology may not be the one 
that makes sense.  Okay, you may get to the LAN where the service is 
rendered via the IP topology rules, but once there the traffic for 
one service may get shunted elsewhere.  If the shunting is noticable 
to the client, traffic may be directed to another IP address, yadda, 
yadda, yadda.

(Alluding to the possibility that layer 3 load balancing and layer 7 
load balancing might have unintended consequences.)

Nothing's so clear any more.
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Soccer/Futbol. IPv6.  Both have lots of 1's and 0's and have a hard time
catching on in North America.

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