[dns-operations] af.mil DNS issue

Joe Abley jabley at ca.afilias.info
Sat Jul 1 01:07:47 UTC 2006

On 30-Jun-2006, at 16:07, Joseph S D Yao wrote:

> And why should there be an A record for the domain afnoc.af.mil,  
> anyway?

Because it's listed as the primary server in the SOA record?

[octopus:~]% dig af.mil soa +short
afnoc.af.mil. dnsman.afnoc.af.mil. 2006063047 3600 900 604800 2700

Not that I can see why the absence of A or AAAA RRsets for  
afnoc.af.mil should cause anything to break for people outside  
AF.MIL, unless they want general clients in the world to send them  
dynamic update queries (which seems somewhat unlikely :-).


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