[dns-operations] DNS deluge for x.p.ctrc.cc

Ross Rader ross at tucows.com
Mon Feb 27 23:41:44 UTC 2006

Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> Well, one factor in the TLD world is that at least the gTLDs are
> subject to ICANN policies.  So if the operations community is able to
> convince ICANN that shunning is the best policy for the Net, then the
> gTLDs may have to do this.  In the same way, if the operations
> community is _not_ able to so convince ICANN, the gTLDs may not be
> allowed to do this.  (As I've already said, I don't know what to
> think about whether it's the right thing to do.  I think Paul Vixie's
> "I hope it sounds irresponsible when I say it like that" presentation
> of the arguments on both sides does a good job of outlining what a
> Hobson's choice this is.)

Would be better to keep ICANN out of it. ICANN policy has a tendency to 
work out badly. Better approach is to work with the registry operator 
community to figure out what the "right" approach is and move forward on 
a best practices basis to implement. On the positive side, its also hard 
to get ICANN policy through the process. The likelihood that policy 
would pass preventing specific operations practices is pretty minimal.


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