[dns-operations] DNS deluge for x.p.ctrc.cc

Andrew Sullivan andrew at ca.afilias.info
Mon Feb 27 21:13:29 UTC 2006

On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 03:08:00PM -0600, Rob Thomas wrote:
> That's not a risk, it's a given.  :)  The miscreants will find new
> ways regardless of our response.  In general they modify their
> tactics based on what other miscreants do against them.

Right, I should have stated that better.  What I'm more worried about
is that a response -- shunning or anything else -- causes the
attackers to do something that's both worse, and harder to fix.  As
someone else pointed out in this thread, blocking SMTP relays didn't
work, and now we not only have a continued deluge of spam, but a big
whack of people out there who have an interest (i.e. a financial one)
in writing and releasing Trojan horse programs.  Given the choice,
I'd rather have the open relay problem.  (But of course, I don't have
any magic answers as to what would be worse, or harder to fix,


Andrew Sullivan                         204-4141 Yonge Street
Afilias Canada                        Toronto, Ontario Canada
<andrew at ca.afilias.info>                              M2P 2A8
                                        +1 416 646 3304 x4110

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