[dns-operations] DNS deluge for x.p.ctrc.cc

Olaf M. Kolkman olaf at NLnetLabs.nl
Mon Feb 27 14:56:33 UTC 2006

On Feb 27, 2006, at 3:41 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

> An even more sysuphyuan task would be to send notices of BCP38  
> noncompliance.
> The ISP's in that case most likely won't even dignify such  
> complaints with a
> reply.  All of the worst forms of internet misconfiguration I know  
> of are
> variants of "assymetric cost:benefit", since the person paying the  
> cost can
> change nothing, and the person who has to make a change gets no  
> benefit.  We
> saw how this worked with spam sources and spam relays.  (But I  
> digress.)

So what is left as monetary BCP38 compliance pressure?

Regulators: If in the physical world the commons get damaged  
regulators step in. I hope industry will act itself before this happens.

Claims: "You knew BCP 38 countermeasures were available since May  
2000, you did not deploy, now people are abusing the net, you are  
negligent" You better pay me for downtime of service. It all depends  
on the cost/benefits for those that sue and get sued. We should get  
BCP38 in insurance policies.

Reminds me of seatbelts.


Olaf M. Kolkman
NLnet Labs

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