[dns-jobs] PhD Studentship Opportunities in Computer Science at BYU

Casey Deccio casey at byu.edu
Mon May 8 23:15:32 UTC 2017

Hi all,

This isn't your typical job posting, but I wanted to make you aware of opportunities for doing DNS and other Internet-related research towards earning a PhD in Computer Science.  I lead the Internet Measurement and Anti-Abuse Laboratory (IMAAL) at Brigham Young University (BYU), and we are inviting interested parties to apply for PhD studentships to cover tuition and living expenses.

Research areas of interest to the IMAAL include (but are not limited to) the following:

- DNS(SEC) deployment and measurement
- IPv6 deployment and measurement
- DDoS prevention and mitigation techniques

If you have questions or interest, please send them to me, along with a brief bio, by replying to this email.

Complete conditions for admissions are at: https://cs.byu.edu/graduate-policy-handbook-general-information.  The application deadline is 15 July 2017.

Please note that BYU is an unique institution dedicated to academic success and character development.  As such, BYU operates under an Honor Code that successful applicants must be prepared to abide by.  Details are at:
https://policy.byu.edu/view/index.php?p=26 .

Casey Deccio
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Brigham Young University

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