[Collisions] OARC Storage Servers Update, fs2 Issues

Keith Mitchell keith at dns-oarc.net
Wed Jul 2 15:46:39 UTC 2014

On 06/30/2014 12:50 PM, Keith Mitchell wrote:
> a problem we thought we'd addressed with our now-oldest storage 
> server, fs2, recurred, and it is currently out of service.
> The bad news is that this contained the working copy of the DITL2014
>  data that you have been accessing. Fortunately we of course have 
> another copy of this, which is on our newly-commissioned StoragePod, 
> fs1. However, we're presently waiting for the FS grow operation 
> initiated after we upgraded fs1 to full capacity last week to 
> complete, and we won't be able to bring it online for another 2+ 
> days.

fs1 is now ready for production service, and the DITL-2014 data and all
mounts should now be available again at /mnt/oarc-pool1/

Please let <admin at dns-oarc.net> know if you see any issues,
thanks for your patience while we resolved this.


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