[dns-operations] Registration for OARC42 is now open, Why is it always the DNS? 42

Rebecca Petro rebecca at dns-oarc.net
Tue Nov 21 21:58:08 UTC 2023

Registration for OARC 42 is now open, promising a mind-boggling two-day 
hybrid conference on February 8–9, 2024, in Charlotte, NC, USA.

  * - The event coincides with NANOG90
    <https://www.nanog.org/events/nanog-90/>, merging technology and
    intergalactic networking for a cutting-edge experience.
  * - The *Call for Papers deadline has been extended* to November 28,
    2023, so submit your abstracts before 23:59 UTC to avoid being in
    the dark.
  * - The elusive hotel booking link will be provided soon, similar to
    the answer to the ultimate question of life.
  * - Visit the official OARC 42 website at
    <https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc42> for all the nitty-gritty details.
  * - Note that the process has changed for members, and discount codes
    will not be emailed this year; instead, visit the portal for your
    event code. You can find further instructions on ourIndico event
    page <https://www.dns-oarc.net/oarc42>

  Stay in the loop on the latest developments at 
<https://dnsoarc.medium.com/>, and don't forget your towel for a smooth 
journey through the galactic network! Our most recent blog post: <OARC 
42 Registration is now Open 

You can also find us at the following:

XTwitter : https://twitter.com/dnsoarc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dns-oarc/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dnsoarc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dnsoarc/
Mastodon: https://mastodns.net/@dnsoarc
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