[dns-operations] DNS World Conference 2007 (fwd)

Olafur Gudmundsson ogud at ogud.com
Thu Jul 12 13:32:10 UTC 2007

Has anyone on this list  or do you know of anyone been asked/invited
to speak at this conference, if so drop me a note.
I will post summary next week.


At 17:21 07/07/2007, Sam Weiler wrote:
>I think this is a make-money-fast conference organizer.
>It looks like the same folks who put on another event ten years
>ago[1].  I've spoken with one of the people on the program of the 1997
>event, who confirmed that it had significant scam-like qualities,
>including getting stiffed on travel expenses and being unable to reach
>the organizer after the fact.
>Other details look dicey, too: neither I nor Google recognize the name
>of the program chair, and the quotes from him in their press release
>don't suggest a deep understanding of this world.  There's a Ft. Myers
>yellow pages entry for Datanet Security Holdings calling it a web site
>-- Sam
>[1] See: http://www.sandelman.ca/ipsec/1997/01/msg00068.html, which
>advertises the "Datanet Security 1997 Annual International Conference
>and Exhibition on Wide Area Network Security".  Both dnswc.com and
>datasec.net (used for the 1997 conference) have the same registrant
>listed in the whois and are registered using Network Solutions'
>Private Registration service -- the address of the domain holder is
>not public.  The 1997 conference announcement includes a fax number
>from a Ft. Myers area code (the old one, before it split in 2002),
>further suggesting the connection.
>[2] (239)936-3651, 1919 Courtney Dr, Fort Myers, FL 33901.  That
>address looks like a strip mall.  I haven't been able to figure out if
>"Datanet Security" has a real storefront or if this is just a mail
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