[dns-operations] DNS Ops Pre-NANOG Meeting

Barry Greene (bgreene) bgreene at cisco.com
Wed May 10 01:25:11 UTC 2006

Hello Everyone,

In consultation with several members, I would like to offer to host a
one day meeting on June 2 - the Friday before NANOG (www.nanog.org).
This will be on the San Jose Cisco campus. We got big rooms, food to
keep people feed through the day, and the capability to have people dial
in to participate (along with displaying what is being displayed in the
conference room on-line). 

Some others will step in to build the agenda. We just thought that it
would be convenient try a combined face-to-face/on-line meeting. 

If you are interested in physically attending, please let Ellen and I
know so we can get a rough count for the room/food/net access etc.



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